The BibleProject Art Book is a compilation of over 300 illustrations from a 19-part video series. The art direction for the series was very thoughtful and the illustration was playful and beautiful. BibleProject routinely makes new premium print goods to send to people who donate at a certain level. This project came about when we were looking for a new gift to ship out.
Concept: I pitched this idea to the founders and the head of donor relations.
Creative Direction: I developed the concept with the original art director of the series and our lead editor. We needed to find the right balance of art and copy since our brand always pairs education with art.
Book Design: I worked with a producer to schedule out this project but ended up taking on all the layout and typesetting.
Reviews: I facilitated reviews with key stakeholders, creative partners, and our copy department.
Print: Along with our producer, I communicated with our print vendor to select materials, get specifications, and review proofs.